How repeatedly should post on social media?

How repeatedly should post on social media?

Are you thinking you don’t get engagement on your social media because you’re not posting at the right times? Or, have you only just set up a new social channel for your business and are wondering how often you should post on social media? Before we dig in to give in-depth answers to your musings, here’s something you need to understand: there are no magic times to post on social media.

Over the years I’ve read countless articles regarding the optimal posting frequency on social media networks. And I’ve reached the conclusion that they’re all flawed.

One article suggests posting no more than twice a day on Facebook. The next one says you should post to LinkedIn on weekdays only, preferably between 4 pm and 6 pm.

But, in reality, there is no magic formula for deciding how often to post on social media.

That’s because what works for one brand, doesn’t work for another. Sure you can read case studies of what has worked for others, but don’t make their solution your solution.

So, instead of seeking magic formulas, let’s focus on these proven posting strategies:

  • Posting consistency is more important than posting frequency.
  • Content quality is more important than content quantity (and social media networks are letting us know with all the changes).
  • Without having an objective for social media, you won’t know if your posts are successful or not.
  • If you don’t maintain an active presence on your social media profiles, customers are likely to choose another business when searching for local products and services.
  • But, posting too often will leave your followers feeling overwhelmed and give you a negative reputation. Do this for too long and they’ll unfollow you.
  • Neither scenario is good for your business.

When Should You Post?

How repeatedly should post on social media?

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